Critical Incident Response

If you are currently experiencing a critical incident and would like support, please complete our secure Critical Incident Response Intake Form, or contact us at 800.383.1908.

Critical Incident Response

Critical Incident Response is an on-demand consulting solution that provides the experience, skills and responsiveness you need to support your organization and employees following a traumatic event. VITAL WorkLife delivers on-site resources and counseling for organizations, employees and families who are suffering after a critical incident.

Workplace accidents, homicides, suicides, death of a team member due to long-term illness, down sizing or company restructuring are traumatic events leaving their mark not just on the people directly affected, but also on those who witness or know people affected by the incident. The emotional toll associated with a critical incident involving death, serious injury or threat to one’s physical safety can last for weeks.

No workplace is exempt; however, OSHA statistics reveal significant injuries resulting from assault disproportionately affect the healthcare and social services sectors, while the Bureau of Labor Statistics notes workplace violence occurs more frequently for individuals employed in the retail, transportation and protective service occupations.

Why VITAL WorkLife:

  • With over 40 years of experience we have a nationwide network of counselors who can be on site quickly
  • All counselors are licensed practitioners with a wide range a specialty areas to meet your needs
  • Our dedicated team can organize rapid on-site support within 24 hours, 2-3 days (or 48-72 hours) or following planned events
  • Our program includes:
    • A proactive Critical Incident Response plan
    • Training and education for employees and leadership
    • Consultations with supervisors
    • Resources to help employees cope and recover

We can help.

Contact us at 800.383.1908 or online, for more about support available after a critical incident.