Take a deep dive into case findings, expert insights and actionable strategies to support your healthcare workforce.
In 2024, as the lasting impact of the pandemic continues to affect human connections, healthcare leaders face the challenge of rebuilding and strengthening bonds within their teams. Recognizing the toll of stress, trauma and isolation on healthcare professionals, there is a collective effort to diminish stigma and remove barriers, providing a unique opportunity for leaders to foster resilience and well-being.
Explore the state of mental health and well-being in the healthcare workforce with our comprehensive report.
Ensure a Culture of Well-Being with a Physician Well-Being Audit
How to Cultivate Healthy Care Teams and Eliminate Risk
Are You Draining or Recharging Your Physicians?
Building a Culture of Ongoing Care for Your Physicians
The Importance of Building a Better Health Care Team
The Well-Being Culture Quiz: How Does Your Organization Score for Well-Being Culture?
In 2024, as the lasting impact of the pandemic continues to affect human connections, healthcare leaders face the challenge of rebuilding and strengthening bonds within their teams. Recognizing the toll of stress, trauma and isolation on healthcare professionals, there is a collective effort to diminish stigma and remove barriers, providing a unique opportunity for leaders to foster resilience and well-being.
Access crucial information on the state of mental health and well-being in the healthcare workforce with our comprehensive report, "2024 Healthcare Trends & Insights,"
Download today for a deep dive into case findings, expert insights and actionable strategies to support your healthcare workforce.
2022 saw a continuation of impacts from COVID-19. However, a shift occurred at organizational and systemic levels where awareness of mental health challenges and a desire to "do something" for those in need gained importance.
Key Takeaways:
Download our report, 2022 Well-Being in Healthcare: Trends and Insights to find essential information on the state of mental health and well-being in the healthcare workforce.
Our white paper discusses the efficacy of peer coaching for improving clinician well being and highlights our pre- and post-coaching data from clinicians who used our peer coaching resource. Click here to download the paper.
Download our article to discover the immense positive impact of a Physician Intervention to helping you retain your valued physician. The article highlights our survey results from both the referring organization and physicians themselves. Click here to download.
The results of the fifth healthcare survey by VITALWorkLife and Cejka Search are particularly timely, as physician and advanced practitioner well being has become broadly recognized as one of the top priorities for health system performance. This research is presented as a full report of survey results, or you can view the webinar and download the infographic.
As a response to multiple requests from the field, the International Employee Assistance (EA) Digital Archive, School of Social Work Collection. This free, permanent, publicly accessible site allows professionals to post and read original works, historical documents and other materials related to the EAP field.
The intent of the archive is to preserve important documents in, and directly related to, the EAP field as well as to provide a global repository for significant publications and presentations.
Access resources and explore programs designed to support your personal and professional well-being.
Dive into our comprehensive resource hub filled with tools and articles to learn more about our impact.
EAP Members: 800.383.1908
Physician, Provider or Clinician Well-Being Resources Members: 877.731.3949
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